Friday, May 16, 2008

5/16 Update (Link for Kendra's YouTube Videos)

Kendra has been video documenting her treatment. It has taken me a bit of time but I finally uploaded all of her videos including those we shot today of Kendra walking through the ICU.

These videos explain & show Kendra's treatment. As well as the emotions she goes through. So if you really want to see what Kendra goes through check out her You Tube page. (thanks Staci for link correction)

You can also do a search on KendraDK.



Unknown said...

Kendra, I couldn't see the video on my crappy computer but the rest, all I can say is wow! I'm so amazed at how through it all, you still have a smile on your face. Very happy to hear that things went well and to see you up and around. Your courage, strength and determination is inspirational. Keep kicking butt and I'll see you soon dear friend. Lots of love to you and Brian!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kendra, you are doing so well with the walking. Watching you reminded me of walking around after my surgery. I remember it felt good to be alive and walking like a normal human being, but I was so drugged up that it also felt really odd. And tiring!

That's awesome that you're working with Sarcoma Alliance. I have heard of some of the trial drugs, but Rexin G is a new one to me. Now I'll have to read up on it. :) Hang in there. It looks like you've got some great people supporting you!