Friday, May 16, 2008

5/16/08 Update (Morning After Surgery)

Kendra's A-Line was removed early this morning along with her catheter & she has been approved for solid foods! Woo Hoo! I gave her an Oatmeal Rasin bar to hold her over until breakfast arrives.

Breakfast took way too long & looked like the kitchen gave her the last serving. It looked like the left overs from the bottom of pan. But when you haven't eating in 36 hours you can eat just about anything. Oh except the oatmeal which Kendra says is "Gross, tastes like a card board box". I'm not sure what card board tastes like but that doesn't sound too appetizing ;-)

Kendra said last night she's "Done" with the Hospital and is ready to come home. That's a good sign! The last time she had this surgery it took her 2 days to get to that point. It wouldn't suprise me if she isn't home by Monday afternoon.


PS - Dr. Conway came in a little while ago and said Kendra is to take a walking tour of the ICU and should be in her own room sometime today.


Anonymous said...

I came on this morning to see how you did through the night, and I have to say....Ken, you look AMAZING! Who'da thought you just had surgery yesterday. Keep it up Babe....and you WILL be home before you know it.
We love you,
Stacey n' Ciara

Anonymous said...

Staci is right you look great!!!!
This Blog is awesome, I can see for myself how you are doing. Great job Brian!!! We have to do a REAL breakfast when you get out of there.


Belinda~ said...

This "Blog" is such a great way to stay connected and updated. And, love the pics! :) Kendra, just wanted to remind you of how special you are (and you too, Bri)! Your strength and courage is AMAZING!! Sending you positive, loving, healing energy...I love you, Be~