Friday, May 16, 2008

5/16/08 Update (Up & Walking by 10:30am)

Kendra was up and walking by 10:30 am. YOU GO KENDRA!

Kendra has had three nurses since she has been in ICU. And all three are FANTASTIC. Victoria, Heather & Joeseph. And yes Staci that is Joeseph walking with Kendra. He is in the army and is not married.


PS - I just wanted to say how very proud of my best friend I am. She is an inspirational soul and is an example for us all that you don't have to sit back and accept what comes across our plates. Stand Up. Get Up. Fight!


Anonymous said...

Giiiiiiiiiirl, you are AMAZING! I have never seen anybody bounce back quite as fast as you after a major surgery. You really do want to go home don't you? lol You have proven there is no end to what you can do and I am sooooo proud of you for being the strong person that you are. As Bri said, you are an inspiration to never give up and fight with everything you have. I love this flippin blog! :)


p.s. I love your little side note about Joseph, but ummm.....I'm not into Army guys! lol

Tirza said...

Hey guys,

I'm so happy to read all your posts and see Kendra's pictures. Girl, YOU ARE AMAZING and I too am proud of you. I just left you both messages because I tried to blog and didn't realized I could just leave a comment here and tried another route which was way too complicated. Anyhoo, if you are accepting visitors, I'd love to come see you tomorrow, just let me know.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kendra, I am surprised I never found your weblog before! I subscribe to google alerts and try to meet as many osteosarcoma survivors as possible. You are definitely a SURVIVOR!!! I'm glad you're doing well after your surgery - what a long journey you are on. I guess it's better long than short, right? :-)

I had low-grade osteosarcoma at my shoulder four years ago. I started a website where people can share their stories and meet other adult bone cancer survivors. If you ever want to share or meet people, please come visit! I wish you much hope and health and happiness. Don't stop now!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you!!!


Anonymous said...

ok, lets try this again. I have tried leaving several messages but they would never work until now (thanks Stac). So I want to start off saying wow Kenny YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!Let me say that again YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! Wow dude I knew you would come though with no problems. You are a fighter dont ever stop being on chicky...THanks Bri for all the updates!!! I have been checking like almost every hr for a new one =0). You both will cont to be in my thoughts and prayers!!! Luv ya Kenny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
We will also say you guys are amazing (both of you!)such a great example of a strong couple and team work. Kendra you ARE an inspiration to all of us. You are looking great!!!!
Thank you for all the updates, can't wait to see you at home.
Love, Lana, Mick, Nadya and Carson (Dmitri)