Sunday, May 18, 2008

5/18/08 Update (SHE'S COMING HOME!!!!)

At 9:30 am the Doctor told Kendra it was time to take out the chest tube and time for her to go home! Kendra is AMAZING!

It will take about an hour for her to be discharged. Hmm? Do you think I can shower, shave and clean up my bachelor mess and get out there in hour???



Belinda~ said...

WOOOHOOO, KENDRA IS COMING HOME!!!! That's great news! Ok, I will be visiting home! Love it. I'll call to see if you need anything?? I can bring dinner? Let me know. Looking forward to seeing you soon!! Love you, Be~

Anonymous said...

HIP HIP HOORAY!!! When we saw you yesterday we knew you'd be outta there. :) CC and I are heading out to the Valley today but what great news to get before we leave. Let me know what day(s) I can bring lunch, dinner, clean etc. I am pretty much open aaaaaaall week. :)

Love you both,
Staci n' Ciara