Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15th 2008 4:30 Update (ICU 2236)

We are now in room 2236 (ICU) with Kendra and she looks great! She has her own room (HUGE) hardwood floors & a Plasma TV. We just finished watching Oprah. Do you think Kendra is happy with her room???

Kendra is at a 10 out of a 1 thru 10 for pain and is using her morphine drip. She is a bit swollen and uncomfortable and of course is extreme pain when she cough's.

We can not use cell phones in here and she has no phone in the room. However we can use the WiFi and email/blogs. So if you need to get ahold of us either leave a voicemail and we'll get back to you or make a comment on Kendra's BLOG.


PS - Renee brought by some lunch for Frankie and I (thanks Nee Nee). I also want to thank Bernice for her support today. She drove in from Lancaster to be here.


nahoa girl said...

I love both of you very much and have been thinking and praying for you!!! I am glad you are done with the surgery and I am happy you have your "queen's" room and yes we all know it is all about you and that is the way it should be!
Love you!!!!- sharin

Anonymous said...

Looking GOOD!!!
Nice room, talk with you soon.
I will check with the blog again soon.


Anonymous said...

hi auntie kendra!
im glad that the surgery went well! I miss you soo much and love you with all my heart!my mom told me about it last night, and so when it was time to sleep i prayed for you.I love you sooooo much and hope to see you soon!
your flower girl,(lol)
CC xoxoxoxoxoxo :):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

Hi babe,
Glad the surgery went well. We are all thinking of you, can't wait to see you at home so you can make fun of my russian accent again :) Love you very much, keep it strong. Chavez family.

Anonymous said...

Looking good girl!! Nice tv. Not as big as the one you have at home though. Remember what I said before-take that morphine so you can cough and stuff! That's the mean nurse talking. Will help get you out of the hospital on time!! Lots of love to you and Bri-you're both doing great-keep up the good work. xoxox Marites

Belinda~ said...

Hi K & have been in my thoughts and prayers! Sooo happy to hear the surgery is over and you are in recovery (looking good and nice room)!! I plan to visit on Sunday. Please let me know if you need anything?? Looking forward to seenng you soon. I love you both, Belinda~

Unknown said...

Hey you two,
plasma TV, huge room, Oprah at 4.. is this Saint Johns or the portofino? I am glad to hear you are doing well. You look great in the pic. I am thankful you chose to chronicle via this blog; it is a wonderful way for us to track your progress without driving you bonkers.
prayers and love,