Friday, May 30, 2008

Sarcoma and the City

Yay! Today is the opening day for "Sex in The City." This will be the first movie I will see since before surgery.
To the "Girls" I will be down for seeing it again and again and again. For now, I am going with my "Mr. Big," Brian.

A few of you have asked how I'm doing? Pretty good. I need to walk more and I need to have my scar massaged. The scar is soooooooooo flippin sensitive.

It's still hard for me to get dressed because of the incision; and it feels like the muscle is ripping away from the bone when I move in certain positions. Graphic much.

The good thing is, I have not had a Vicotini for three nights. I'm really trying to manage my pain without the Vicodin. For now it's Ibuprofen and Tylenol. That helps and it's not too strong.

The positives definitely out way the negative. A little bit of aching is better than not being here to feel it.



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