Saturday, June 14, 2008

Read all about it!

Dear Family and Friends,

I have some sad and unfortunate news.
The Lakers are going to lose to the Celtics! I'm sorry to disappoint all you Laker fans, but it is true. My expert opinion is they cannot come back from a 3-1 deficit. *Disclaimer* if the Lakers do come back I will edit this portion of my blog in the Lakers favor. LOL

Now, on to the stuff you really want to know about.
Rexin-G is working and has worked on my tumors. YAY! (sing) "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead the Sarcoma Witch is DEAD!" (stop singing). I was to start treatment last Wednesday, June 11th, but did not. Instead, I will start this Wednesday, June 18 for sure. Once again my treatments will be 4 weeks on Rexin-G, 2 weeks off; and I will repeat this cycle once.

You may ask, "If the tumors are dead and have been removed, why then are you doing two more treatments?" This is a very well thought and important question; to which I will give the same well deserved response. "I don't know." Just kidding. The answer is protocol. Similar to the chemotherapy treatments I've had, there is follow-up treatment after surgery. You see, there is no guarantee that the OsterSarcoma Beast is not lingering some where dormant in my bones, or is too small to see on CT Scans or X-Rays. Not to forget, Dr. Foshag, Thoracic surgeon extraordinaire did not feel anything other than the tumors he removed 4 weeks ago during surgery. This is a GOOD thing.

Speaking of surgery/recovery. Obviously the surgery went well, as I am still breathing with both lungs... and let me tell you, I'm happy about that. The Recovery part has its own specialness. It hurts like a mother when I sneeze. Thank goodness I've been alone (for the most part) when that happens. Coughing bugs. I love laughing. I'll laugh so hard it hurts. So I'll start crying. Then I laugh harder, hold my left side at the base of my incision, and laugh some more. The best part is my laugh is back to normal. No more "hee, hee, hee." That's right, the "snort" is back. Strong!

Back to normal:
Not quite yet, but getting there. I feel well enough to have two of our nephews and one of our niece (Jaide in the pic) spend the last couple of weekends; and host my flower girls 10th B-day party. I still get out of breath when I move too quickly. I'm finally driving. Now I can get out of the house and stop going crazy. I'm going to begin a slow, very slow work out at the gym on Monday. Lots of stretching is in order. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading my rant.


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