Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Whooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you all so very much for you support over the past 13 years. But more recently, these past 10 months you all have been so good to me.

I am pleased to say that we exceeded our goal to raise $5K for the Sarcoma Alliance's "Ocean of Hope" campaign, by $120. So many of you sent in donations and we truly appreciate your unconditional support. Our family and friends are the best.

Now to the business of my health and treatment . It's been a while since I've updated the Blog... so here it is.

I was supposed to be done with the Rexin-G treatments At the end of August. Well, things changed. By things, I mean my doctor added another cycle. No! I was not happy. In fact, I wanted to quit in the middle of the fifth cycle. Actually, I didn't want to do it at all. Needless to say I did and currently I'm almost done with the sixth cycle. Only three more treatments to go.

The GOOD NEWS is Monday, October 6 2008, is the absolute (cross your fingers and toes) last day I will have to receive Rexin-G.

What's next, you ask? According to my adopted dad, Dr. Chawla, nothing. I will not do any follow up treatments. After the first three times I was sick, I did interferon shots three times a week. The side affects were hell. So, I am extremely thrilled that I don't have to do the shots; or anything else that involves medication of any kind.
I will do the usual CAT Scans every three months. The last two showed "No Evidence of Disease" or NED. That's a really good thing. NED is what we want to here/read every time we get the results from the CT Scans.

Say it with me. "Whoooooooo hooooooooooo!" Yeah. It feels just like that ;-)

That big *sigh* of relief brings a much needed since of normality that is about to become my life again. I cannot wait to get started.

First on my list is to find the perfect career. If any of my peeps out there know of any companies looking for the triple threat (me) send them my way. Seriously, if you know or hear of any HR, management, or any position in the L.A. County or So. Bay, let me know. I can do it all.

I'll keep you updated as life gets back to "normal" ;-)

Thank you for your Love & Support,
Kendra Krause
13-year Osteosarcoma survivor.
"Kicking Sarcomas Ass Multiple Tumors at a Time."

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