Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One Year Later

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update...

It's official! A couple of weeks ago I had my (every three months) CT and was given the "All Clear" from my favorite Oncologist. I've completed my fourth 1st year of remission on October 6, 2009. Yay for remission.

Honestly, even when I was sick I didn't feel terribly ill. The occasional "being tired" was mostly because I was working 10-12 hour days after receiving treatment. Once I stopped working for the BIG RED BULLS EYE and driving 120 miles three days per week, Rexin-G was a breeze.

Life is good. It's not easy. But it's definitely good!!!

Love, Peace and Blessing,
Still Kicking Sarcomas ASS.

1 comment:

Meek said...

Greetings from Kyoto, Japan. Thank you very much for the wonderful update.