Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits.

2009 ended on a great note for me (health wise). I managed to squeeze in one last CT just before the new year. The results were all clear....

"No Evidence Of Recurring Disease" = N.E.R.D.
It's always good to be called a NERD in these cases. My next CT is in March. Which will be here before we know it.
Until next time...
Thank you for your Love & Support.
Peace and Blessings,
Kendra Krause
14-year Osteosarcoma survivor.
"Kicking Sarcomas Ass Multiple Tumors at a Time."


Reggie said...

Hi, Kendra. My 35 yo son was dx'd MFH sarcoma Dec '08. Resection of tumor, no chemo/radiation. Mets to lungs found on first follow-up CT in July '09. Started AIM in Aug. Lesions grew. Switched to Gem/Tax but after 1 treatment, he was having headaches so brain MRI ordered which uncovered brain mets on 12/19/09. Brain surgery 12/23 with follow-up tomotherapy radiation. Resumed Gem/Tax. Tumors grew. Switched to DTIC. First CT scan shrunk but after 4 more doses, some lesions resumed growth. Now looking for a different treatment and my research of Rexin-G eventually brought me here. I'm looking for hope because it's getting harder and harder to hold on. Would you recommend the Rexin-G?


KendraDK said...

Hi Reggie,

I'm sorry to hear of your sons DX.
Re: Rexin-G, it works differently for every case. I can only speak for myself and how it worked on my lung mets. I was fortunate that it did what was expected. There weren’t any side effects like with chemo, and it didn't take as long to administer.
I responded to your facebook message and will get you more info ASAP.
Until then, take care.

Peace and Blessings,

Anonymous said...

So Kendra, it is now August, your next CT was set for March 2010 and I don't see any other blog from you or you-tube. Wondered what is going on. Please let us know how you are. My husband has recurrent sarcoma a fighter for 10 years and I looked at the Regin-G but see only Dr. Chawla in CA and privately done trial - no univerisity hospital or ? Can you give me an update. I see all the trials are closed now so don't know about an option for my husband. Not surgical now and chemo is only 15% chance for him but all the side affect you can imagine. Carol B

susie921 said...

Please send me a email at
My now 18 y.o. has relapsed for the 2nd time with osteosarcoma. She is refusing further treatment other than surgery. I was planning to show her your website but also wanted to ask more about the rexin-g


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angel said...

Hello Kendra,
You are such a beautiful, strong, courageous and smart young woman!
Your story is touching and inspiring and your fight is an awesome one which you seem to be handling with unusual grace.
I'm praying for you, thinking of you, hoping for you - how are you doing now?
It's worrysome, although I don't know you, to not see any more posts and updates from you. Please let us know how you are.

If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. I'm a cancer fighter myself and a health coach as well. I've done a ton of research on cancer treatments around the world and am happy to share any and all info I have, if it can help you in any way.
Stay strong and I hope to see your beautiful face on another youtube video.
Many loving thoughts for healing and peace for you.

Meghan said...

Hello Kendra,

Congratulations on being cancer free!

I work at 23andMe, a research company that is interested in how genes and environment influence health and disease, and we have launched a large Sarcoma Research Initiative.

Our goal is to recruit 1,000 people with sarcomas. Together, we can make advances that will benefit the entire patient community. You can read more at
If anyone is interested, I’d love to send you a free saliva kit.

Best regards,