Saturday, April 26, 2008

Update on Kendra's Health (April 25th 2008)

Dear Family and Friends,

Let me begin by apologizing for delivering news to you via e-mail. I may or may not have your phone numbers; as I have attempted to call some of you only to play phone tag.

As many of you know I have been in remission for the past eight years from a rare bone cancer 'Osteo Sarcoma.' Which was an awesome time for me. That time allowed me to complete a few goals. Such as receiving my AA and BA (17 years later).

Unfortunately, that eight year run has come to an end, and the cancer has returned. I have three tumors that have metastasized to my lower left lung; and I have been receiving treatment since the first week of January.

Questions you may have: What? Why? When? How? I've answered the where, and I can answer the others for you as well. I've started a blog that follows the process of my treatment and how I'm doing over all. Let me know if you are interested and I will send you the link.

Feel free to pass this along to anyone that I've missed.

Bellow is an update on the treatment and the process that I wrote at the beginning of April:

Thank You,
Kendra Krause

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