Friday, May 9, 2008

Part 2: Latest update on my treatment

Hello Family and Friends,

I'm back to give you the update. Well, a few things have transpired since I informed you of the treatment and the progress that I am undergoing.

My third cycle of Rexin-G began the 3 day per week treatment (Wed, Fri, Mon. Wed is the first day of my treatment week), with double the dose per day. The last Pet-CT scan shows the active tumor to be slightly larger. That tumor is 2.6 cm, not 2 cm. That is according to Dr Foshag's radiologist.

Speaking of Dr. Foshag, I met with him a couple of weeks ago to discuss the Pet-CT scans, surgery (type), date, recovery, things I need to do before surgery, and the cancer as a whole. The cancer as a whole is an important little factor, as it has metastasized into my lung. The fact that the cancer is a mastitis, means that it traveled from somewhere else (my femur, the original site) and settled in my left lung. That being said, more tests were done.

The first was a Bone Scan. This is a scan that I do once per year. However, to my own admittance of failure to follow through, I had not done this particular scan since 2005. Yes, I know. Shame on me. Don't I know how important these things are. After all that time the Bone Scan that I did two weeks ago shows no activity on any of my bones.

Next, I had some x-rays taken (a week and a half ago 4.25.08) of my left leg (from hip to mid tibia). I don't have the official results, but it looked normal; and compared to the last set of X-rays done six months + ago, there is no change. Dr. Foshag wanted to be certain before going into surgery that all is clear every where else or at least at the original site. There's nothing better than having a doctor who is thorough.

Ok. Are you ready for the good stuff? 'Cause here it comes.

• Surgeon: Dr Foshag from "THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY"
• Date: Thursday, May 15, 2008 (a little over a month early. I'm good with that).
• It is called a Muscle Sparing Thoricatomy (same one I had 10yrs ago on the right lung, only this will be on the left. Matching scars. I'll be symmetrical.)
• It will last approximately 4 hours with prep time.
• I will be at St. Johns in Santa Monica (again, where the parking sucks.)
• Hospital stay is approximately 5 days (one day in ICU)
• Recovery time is approximately 6 weeks
If I did not answer your questions. Ask. ;-)

Thank you for your continued love & support,
Kendra Krause
13 year Osteo Sarcoma survivor

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