Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pre-Op with Dr. Foshag

We met with Dr. Foshag for Kendra's Pre-Op. Where they took her blood pressure, drew her blood & took her urine

We went over the details to the surgery.
  • Kendra needs to be at St. John's (Santa Monica) by 6:30 a.m.
  • Surgery will begin at 8:30 (most likely 9:00 or 9:30)
  • Surgery should be around 4 hours long with the majority of it being prep work.
  • She will be in ICU until sometime on Friday
  • Kendra will be home on Monday or Tuesday



Anonymous said...

Hey where is the BLOG. All I see is the picture

Bud said...

All is infinite Mind. There is no life, truth or intelligence in matter.
Thank you M.B.E.