Friday, May 9, 2008

Latest Update as of May 9th

We are getting ready to come home from Maui. We will be back on Sunday (Mother's Day).

On Monday I have PET-CT & a regular CT scheduled to see the progess of Rexin-G has made on the tumors. Should have the results by Wednesday.

On Tuesday I meet with Dr. Foshag to discuss the surgery in more detail & go over the PET-CT scans if they are done earlier.

On Thursday I go in for surgery. The surgery will be approximately 4 hours. I will be in ICU for about a day & should get out of the hospital in about 4 days.



Anonymous said...

Hey Kendra,

I just heard about your recurrence. I am so sorry to hear this news. I will check in with your blog to hear how you are doing.... or contact me to let me know how I can help you. Hope you had a wonderful stay in Hawaii....

Pame Sprott (from Sarcoma Support Group, Redondo Beach)

Unknown said...

Aloha to you & Brian! This whole blog thing is fantastic but expect you and Brian to call me if you need anything at all, any time of day or night. Enjoy Hawaii and get some rest so that when you come home, you can kick Osteo Sarcoma's ass, again. Please make sure Brian blogs or calls us to let us know how the surgery went. When you get home and are up to it, we can have movie night at the house of Krause! My love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great time in Maui! Just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers and we are keeping positive thoughts on "Kendra's Way"! Brian, please call if you need anything at all....even if it's to just grab things at the grocery store. Stay strong guys!

Anonymous said...

Ken and B,

We are saying lots of prayers and know that you will come through this with flying colors and beat this thing once and for all! As I said before, I will do anything I can to help when you get home. Cooking and cleaning will help, but you might want me to stick with cleaning! lol :) Ciara and I love you both very much and are thinking of you all the time. I will be calling Brian for updates as well as checking the blog.
