Sunday, May 25, 2008

Update with Dr. Foshag & Results

Belinda and Brian went with me to see Dr. Foshag (he performed the surgery on my lung). Dr. Foshag gave us a copy of the Pathology report and went over the results.

Below is the "Diagnosis" part of the report. And to be honest it's the only part you don't need a medical degree to understand & even then you may need some clarification. So to all of my medcial peeps if you have some translation power please post in the comments section of this BLOG.

After my Doctors appoint Belinda treated Brian & I to a Cabo Cantina style lunch across from my Doctors office. Thanks Be! Then we headed home... SOUTH on the 405 at 4:00 pm on a FRIDAY!! I sure am glad Brian was driving and not me. LOL!


1. Lung, Left Lower Lobe; Wedge Resection:
- Metastatic Osteosarcoma froming two nodules:
- 2.5 cm cystic and solid mass, filled with abundatnt organized blood clot;
- and a 0.9 cm solid mass with abundant ossification within tumor nodule.
- Margins clear by at least 1.0 cm
- Lymphovasucular invasion: not identified.
- Additonal Findings: intraalveolar hemorrhage and focal peribronchial chronic inflammation and organized pneumonia.

2. Left lung; wedge resection:
- extensive intraalveolar hemorrhage and scattered foci of nonspecific chronic alveolitis and foreign body giant cell reaction.
- Negative for Malignancy.

1 comment:

Belinda~ said...

Krendra and Brian, thank you for inviting me to the appointment with Dr. Foshag. It was most interesting and comforting to hear the results first hand,from the doc! Dr. Foshag was so caring and uplifting. Kendra, you were so courageous, strong and optimistic....a true inspiration! What an honor to be a part of it all!! Love you both, Belinda~