Wednesday, July 9, 2008

OOPS! I forgot to post this in July :-)

Hello Family and Friends,

Three Weeks Down, One To Go!

(O2H Team Captain and me)
Well this is the first day of the last week of my first cycle of treatments since my surgery. Whew! Did you get that. 'Cause it looks funny when I read back to myself.

Anyway, I've been trying to blog for the last three weeks... Let's just say my motivation has not been there. So here's what's going on. It was really difficult having the first treatment after surgery. The best part, as if it's possible for there to be a "best part," is that I had more than two weeks off treatment before starting up again.

Brian drove just in case I didn't feel well afterwards. It's a good thing because the first treatment left me exhausted. We spent the entire day together. Which means I was out way too long. This theme has been repeated after every visit to the Rexin-G room. I don't believe I've gone directly home after any treatment. Today included... and "Yes" I am exhausted and grumpy.

Next Monday is the last treatment for two weeks. I can't wait. I've been grumpy and irritable for the last few weeks. Can you say "Get over yourself already"? Jeeeeeesh!

Good thing the planned treatment schedule "should" be over in seven more weeks. I'll talk to my adopted dad, Dr. Chawla on Monday as well. Hopefully, and by hopefully I mean... I pray that I won't have to do any more cycles of Rexin-G after the next one.

There have been some good times mixed in on the weekends. Brian and I have spent time with some of our nieces and nephews. We celebrated my birthday. Shame on some of you for not calling! Just kidding. I suck at remembering birthdays. Finally, the 4th of July came and went with a bang. Time sure does fly. It feels like summer is half over.

Ahh! Next week we are off for a little Rn'R in Maui. I'll Blog again when we're back.


13 year Osteo Sarcoma Survivor Kicking
Cancer's Ass multiple Tumors At A Time!


WE NEED YOUR HELP to raise Sarcoma Awareness. Below is a link to our O2H contributors page. Please pass along this link to your family, friends and anyone you think would be interested in supporting us. Friendship works... Family works... Laughter works... Prayer works...YOUR SUPPORT WORKS!

Team O2H competes in The Catalina Classic Paddle Board race on Sunday, Aug 24, 2008. The finish line is at Manhattan Beach Pier (South side) in MB, CA. Join us for a day of fun at the beach from 9am-3pm (maybe until 5pm). Look for the SARCOMA ALLIANCE banner.


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