Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Update 10.2008 - 3.2009 It's all great! :-D

Dear Family and friends,

It's been six months since my last update, so let me get you up to speed.

October 6, 2008 was my last Rexin-G treatment. Woooo! Hoooo!
Soon after I had a CT of my lungs that showed slight improvement to the surgical sight.

Mid October I started working again. Love my job and my boss.

December 2008 I had another CT of my Lungs done, which was once again was clear with slight improvement to the surgical sight. This CT served two purposes. 1st, I got it done before the end of the year. 2nd, I had my favorite thoracic surgeon, from "The Ohio State University" Dr. Leland Foshag remove my chemo port.

Today, March 11, 2009, I had my first CT of the year, a follow up with my kick ass Oncologist, Dr. Chawla, and had a quick visit with the support team in the office.
We got the results of my CT within the hour. The results are the same. My lungs are clear and my blood work was normal. I'm good to go for another 3 months before I have to do this cancer free dance again.

Love, Peace, and Blessings.


Unknown said...

Hi Kendra! My husband has Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma. He had undergone craniotomy, 2 proton beam radiotherapy already. Currently, CT scans showed some nodules in his chest. I would just like to know how your doctors knew that REXIN-G worked. As far as I understood your story, you had surgery to remove the tumors in your chest. Are there some tumors left in your chest that were shrunk after your REXIN-G therapy? Thanks and I'm happy to hear that you're on way to full recovery.

Wendy Tiu

ozzieg76 said...

Hope all is still well. Noticed your info when i was browsing the internet. Dr. Foshag removed my wife's melanoma. You gotta love his smile. Hopefully he got it all and it did not already spread. Its been 6 months now. Hopefully it stays away. Most likely cause - Tanning Salon.

Keep posting
Ozzie Gomez