Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits.

2009 ended on a great note for me (health wise). I managed to squeeze in one last CT just before the new year. The results were all clear....

"No Evidence Of Recurring Disease" = N.E.R.D.
It's always good to be called a NERD in these cases. My next CT is in March. Which will be here before we know it.
Until next time...
Thank you for your Love & Support.
Peace and Blessings,
Kendra Krause
14-year Osteosarcoma survivor.
"Kicking Sarcomas Ass Multiple Tumors at a Time."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One Year Later

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update...

It's official! A couple of weeks ago I had my (every three months) CT and was given the "All Clear" from my favorite Oncologist. I've completed my fourth 1st year of remission on October 6, 2009. Yay for remission.

Honestly, even when I was sick I didn't feel terribly ill. The occasional "being tired" was mostly because I was working 10-12 hour days after receiving treatment. Once I stopped working for the BIG RED BULLS EYE and driving 120 miles three days per week, Rexin-G was a breeze.

Life is good. It's not easy. But it's definitely good!!!

Love, Peace and Blessing,
Still Kicking Sarcomas ASS.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Update 10.2008 - 3.2009 It's all great! :-D

Dear Family and friends,

It's been six months since my last update, so let me get you up to speed.

October 6, 2008 was my last Rexin-G treatment. Woooo! Hoooo!
Soon after I had a CT of my lungs that showed slight improvement to the surgical sight.

Mid October I started working again. Love my job and my boss.

December 2008 I had another CT of my Lungs done, which was once again was clear with slight improvement to the surgical sight. This CT served two purposes. 1st, I got it done before the end of the year. 2nd, I had my favorite thoracic surgeon, from "The Ohio State University" Dr. Leland Foshag remove my chemo port.

Today, March 11, 2009, I had my first CT of the year, a follow up with my kick ass Oncologist, Dr. Chawla, and had a quick visit with the support team in the office.
We got the results of my CT within the hour. The results are the same. My lungs are clear and my blood work was normal. I'm good to go for another 3 months before I have to do this cancer free dance again.

Love, Peace, and Blessings.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Whooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you all so very much for you support over the past 13 years. But more recently, these past 10 months you all have been so good to me.

I am pleased to say that we exceeded our goal to raise $5K for the Sarcoma Alliance's "Ocean of Hope" campaign, by $120. So many of you sent in donations and we truly appreciate your unconditional support. Our family and friends are the best.

Now to the business of my health and treatment . It's been a while since I've updated the Blog... so here it is.

I was supposed to be done with the Rexin-G treatments At the end of August. Well, things changed. By things, I mean my doctor added another cycle. No! I was not happy. In fact, I wanted to quit in the middle of the fifth cycle. Actually, I didn't want to do it at all. Needless to say I did and currently I'm almost done with the sixth cycle. Only three more treatments to go.

The GOOD NEWS is Monday, October 6 2008, is the absolute (cross your fingers and toes) last day I will have to receive Rexin-G.

What's next, you ask? According to my adopted dad, Dr. Chawla, nothing. I will not do any follow up treatments. After the first three times I was sick, I did interferon shots three times a week. The side affects were hell. So, I am extremely thrilled that I don't have to do the shots; or anything else that involves medication of any kind.
I will do the usual CAT Scans every three months. The last two showed "No Evidence of Disease" or NED. That's a really good thing. NED is what we want to here/read every time we get the results from the CT Scans.

Say it with me. "Whoooooooo hooooooooooo!" Yeah. It feels just like that ;-)

That big *sigh* of relief brings a much needed since of normality that is about to become my life again. I cannot wait to get started.

First on my list is to find the perfect career. If any of my peeps out there know of any companies looking for the triple threat (me) send them my way. Seriously, if you know or hear of any HR, management, or any position in the L.A. County or So. Bay, let me know. I can do it all.

I'll keep you updated as life gets back to "normal" ;-)

Thank you for your Love & Support,
Kendra Krause
13-year Osteosarcoma survivor.
"Kicking Sarcomas Ass Multiple Tumors at a Time."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ocean of Hope (O2H)

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this message finds you well.

This weekend, Sunday, August 24th is the 2008 Ocean of Hope (O2H) campaign and I am asking for your continued support. This year is especially important to us. As some of you know, I am currently undergoing treatment for lung metastases. Since discovering the cancers return in November 2007, I have completed 4 cycles of Rexin-G, had surgery to remove the tumors, and am currently in the process of finishing the 5th cycle of treatment. This is my fourth go around with this rare disease. Even so, I continue a path of positive belief that there will be a cure for all Sarcomas.

Sunday, August 24, 2008 will mark the 8th year for O2H and we hope that it will be the most successful year yet! Last year, your donations helped bring in over $80,000 for the Sarcoma Alliance, and “The Sea of People Affected by Cancer!” More specifically, Sarcoma.
The Ocean of Hope is a group of amazingly talented and dedicated ocean racers that dedicate their participation in the prestigious 32-mile individual paddleboard race, The Catalina Classic ( from Catalina Island to Manhattan Beach, to the Sarcoma Alliance. O2H is the largest fundraising arm of the Sarcoma Alliance; a non-profit 501(c) 3 (EIN# 68-0443045) foundation that provides guidance, education, and support for the sarcoma cancer community. Sarcoma does not discriminate by age, gender, or race. The Sarcoma Alliance is working to address the needs of this special community and to get the necessary resources and attention they deserve.
The Sarcoma Alliance together with O2H and your support makes a huge difference in peoples’ lives!
If you would like more information about the Ocean of Hope campaign, the Sarcoma Alliance, or learn about any of the awesome paddlers, please view our website at

To go directly to my secure donation page, please go to

We would also love to see you at the beach event; to greet the paddlers as they finish the 32-mile paddle from Catalina Island to Manhattan Beach.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
9AM -5PM
Manhattan Beach Pier (South side)

It is an awesome day at the beach. Come on down!

Please forward this to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well!

Thank you for your Love & Support,
Kendra Krause
13-year Osteosarcoma survivor.
"Kicking Sarcomas Ass Multiple Tumors at a Time."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back from Maui.

Hello Family and Friends,

We returned from Maui on Friday (08.01.08). Kicking and screaming of course. Once again I thought about finding a job and moving there. But then reality set in and we're back in Cali.

This was a much needed trip. Brian and I had another "first" together. We Zip-Lined through the West Maui mountains. The longest line was 2600 ft. You can't see the end of the line. Crazy Cool.

Our guide was the best. Ryan gave an educational tour throughout the hike. Over four hours of fresh air, some exercise, zipping above the trees and a beautiful sunset. It was worth EVERY PENNY! Oh and there's video. I'll figure out how to put it up here or on you tube.

Like I said before, back to reality. My first day returning to do the Rexin-G treatment was exhausting to say the least. It begin with our plane arriving at 4:40AM; luggage at 6:30AM; home by 7AM; three and a half hours of sleep; and finally at my Oncologists office by 12 noon. It seemed like everything and every one was speeding around us, as we were in slow motion. I don't recommend taking a red eye and doing what we did. It's draining.

(This was a short zip-line. Whoooooooooo Hooooooooooo!)

I'll update on my progress soon.



13 year OsteoSarcoma Survivor

Kicking Cancer's Ass multiple Tumors At A Time!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

OOPS! I forgot to post this in July :-)

Hello Family and Friends,

Three Weeks Down, One To Go!

(O2H Team Captain and me)
Well this is the first day of the last week of my first cycle of treatments since my surgery. Whew! Did you get that. 'Cause it looks funny when I read back to myself.

Anyway, I've been trying to blog for the last three weeks... Let's just say my motivation has not been there. So here's what's going on. It was really difficult having the first treatment after surgery. The best part, as if it's possible for there to be a "best part," is that I had more than two weeks off treatment before starting up again.

Brian drove just in case I didn't feel well afterwards. It's a good thing because the first treatment left me exhausted. We spent the entire day together. Which means I was out way too long. This theme has been repeated after every visit to the Rexin-G room. I don't believe I've gone directly home after any treatment. Today included... and "Yes" I am exhausted and grumpy.

Next Monday is the last treatment for two weeks. I can't wait. I've been grumpy and irritable for the last few weeks. Can you say "Get over yourself already"? Jeeeeeesh!

Good thing the planned treatment schedule "should" be over in seven more weeks. I'll talk to my adopted dad, Dr. Chawla on Monday as well. Hopefully, and by hopefully I mean... I pray that I won't have to do any more cycles of Rexin-G after the next one.

There have been some good times mixed in on the weekends. Brian and I have spent time with some of our nieces and nephews. We celebrated my birthday. Shame on some of you for not calling! Just kidding. I suck at remembering birthdays. Finally, the 4th of July came and went with a bang. Time sure does fly. It feels like summer is half over.

Ahh! Next week we are off for a little Rn'R in Maui. I'll Blog again when we're back.


13 year Osteo Sarcoma Survivor Kicking
Cancer's Ass multiple Tumors At A Time!


WE NEED YOUR HELP to raise Sarcoma Awareness. Below is a link to our O2H contributors page. Please pass along this link to your family, friends and anyone you think would be interested in supporting us. Friendship works... Family works... Laughter works... Prayer works...YOUR SUPPORT WORKS!

Team O2H competes in The Catalina Classic Paddle Board race on Sunday, Aug 24, 2008. The finish line is at Manhattan Beach Pier (South side) in MB, CA. Join us for a day of fun at the beach from 9am-3pm (maybe until 5pm). Look for the SARCOMA ALLIANCE banner.


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Suvivors and Supporters volunteering at O2H 2007.

On Sunday June 8th I had the opportunity to speak to Team Ocean of Hope (O2H) 2008. A group of athletes who've been training for months to compete in the 32 mile paddle board race from Catalina Island to the Manhattan Beach pier on Aug 24th. I shared my personal experience with Sarcoma, and what the Sarcoma Alliance means to me and others living through the Sarcoma experience.

I spoke to the group for about five minutes. Telling them in a brief synopsis of what it is to live with Sarcoma (off and on) for the last 13 years. I didn't realize how much my brief story would affect the Team and the many supporters of the Sarcoma Alliance until later in the evening.

Several of the Team Members thanked me for sharing my experience and a couple of them expressed an amazement that I was out and about three weeks after surgery. I spoke with others who have lost loved ones to cancer; and a fellow paddler/Sarcoma fighter, Bob Chamblis, who made his transition just a few months after O2H 2007. Some simply want to be a part of an organization like the Sarcoma Alliance to show and give support to all affected by the disease.

I am grateful that I have the opportunity to meet and speak with the Team and Supporters. This Team is competing for people like me. They want to help raise the awareness of Sarcoma and the Alliance. All involved know how important it is to HELP where ever and when ever possible.

to raise Sarcoma Awareness. Below is a link to our O2H contributors page. Please pass along this link to your family, friends and anyone you think would be interested in supporting us.

Friendship works... Family works... Laughter works... Prayer works...

13 year OsteoSarcoma Survivor
Kicking Cancer's Ass multiple Tumors At A Time!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Read all about it!

Dear Family and Friends,

I have some sad and unfortunate news.
The Lakers are going to lose to the Celtics! I'm sorry to disappoint all you Laker fans, but it is true. My expert opinion is they cannot come back from a 3-1 deficit. *Disclaimer* if the Lakers do come back I will edit this portion of my blog in the Lakers favor. LOL

Now, on to the stuff you really want to know about.
Rexin-G is working and has worked on my tumors. YAY! (sing) "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead the Sarcoma Witch is DEAD!" (stop singing). I was to start treatment last Wednesday, June 11th, but did not. Instead, I will start this Wednesday, June 18 for sure. Once again my treatments will be 4 weeks on Rexin-G, 2 weeks off; and I will repeat this cycle once.

You may ask, "If the tumors are dead and have been removed, why then are you doing two more treatments?" This is a very well thought and important question; to which I will give the same well deserved response. "I don't know." Just kidding. The answer is protocol. Similar to the chemotherapy treatments I've had, there is follow-up treatment after surgery. You see, there is no guarantee that the OsterSarcoma Beast is not lingering some where dormant in my bones, or is too small to see on CT Scans or X-Rays. Not to forget, Dr. Foshag, Thoracic surgeon extraordinaire did not feel anything other than the tumors he removed 4 weeks ago during surgery. This is a GOOD thing.

Speaking of surgery/recovery. Obviously the surgery went well, as I am still breathing with both lungs... and let me tell you, I'm happy about that. The Recovery part has its own specialness. It hurts like a mother when I sneeze. Thank goodness I've been alone (for the most part) when that happens. Coughing bugs. I love laughing. I'll laugh so hard it hurts. So I'll start crying. Then I laugh harder, hold my left side at the base of my incision, and laugh some more. The best part is my laugh is back to normal. No more "hee, hee, hee." That's right, the "snort" is back. Strong!

Back to normal:
Not quite yet, but getting there. I feel well enough to have two of our nephews and one of our niece (Jaide in the pic) spend the last couple of weekends; and host my flower girls 10th B-day party. I still get out of breath when I move too quickly. I'm finally driving. Now I can get out of the house and stop going crazy. I'm going to begin a slow, very slow work out at the gym on Monday. Lots of stretching is in order. Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading my rant.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Appt. with Dr. Chawla

Today Brian took me to my doctors appointment. Dr. Chawla was very pleased with the results from the surgery and Rexin-G's affect on the tumors. He said he wishes all his patients tumors could have the same result as mine.

What's next?
Next week (Wednesday) I start Rexin-G treatments. Same protocol as before. 2 cycles of 4 week on 2 weeks off; 3 treatments per week; double dose. No PET-CT at the end of the 6th week. However, I will do follow-up CT scans as needed. I should be done with the last treatment by the end of August 08'.

The best thing is the Rexin-G treatment did what it is expected, and and killed the tumor.

Kicking Sarcoma's Ass multiple Tumors at a time...


Friday, May 30, 2008

Sarcoma and the City

Yay! Today is the opening day for "Sex in The City." This will be the first movie I will see since before surgery.
To the "Girls" I will be down for seeing it again and again and again. For now, I am going with my "Mr. Big," Brian.

A few of you have asked how I'm doing? Pretty good. I need to walk more and I need to have my scar massaged. The scar is soooooooooo flippin sensitive.

It's still hard for me to get dressed because of the incision; and it feels like the muscle is ripping away from the bone when I move in certain positions. Graphic much.

The good thing is, I have not had a Vicotini for three nights. I'm really trying to manage my pain without the Vicodin. For now it's Ibuprofen and Tylenol. That helps and it's not too strong.

The positives definitely out way the negative. A little bit of aching is better than not being here to feel it.



Sunday, May 25, 2008

Update with Dr. Foshag & Results

Belinda and Brian went with me to see Dr. Foshag (he performed the surgery on my lung). Dr. Foshag gave us a copy of the Pathology report and went over the results.

Below is the "Diagnosis" part of the report. And to be honest it's the only part you don't need a medical degree to understand & even then you may need some clarification. So to all of my medcial peeps if you have some translation power please post in the comments section of this BLOG.

After my Doctors appoint Belinda treated Brian & I to a Cabo Cantina style lunch across from my Doctors office. Thanks Be! Then we headed home... SOUTH on the 405 at 4:00 pm on a FRIDAY!! I sure am glad Brian was driving and not me. LOL!


1. Lung, Left Lower Lobe; Wedge Resection:
- Metastatic Osteosarcoma froming two nodules:
- 2.5 cm cystic and solid mass, filled with abundatnt organized blood clot;
- and a 0.9 cm solid mass with abundant ossification within tumor nodule.
- Margins clear by at least 1.0 cm
- Lymphovasucular invasion: not identified.
- Additonal Findings: intraalveolar hemorrhage and focal peribronchial chronic inflammation and organized pneumonia.

2. Left lung; wedge resection:
- extensive intraalveolar hemorrhage and scattered foci of nonspecific chronic alveolitis and foreign body giant cell reaction.
- Negative for Malignancy.